Thursday, August 30, 2012

Training Update VII (MCM): Finishing a cycle and consistency

58 days, 13 hours to go...

Thursdays aren't the best days for me to run a workout. It comes close on the heels of four days of work, and an endurance day on Tuesday. On top of that, I cover about 4 miles walking to and from the community college every Tuesday and Thursday morning. It's a lovely path, but the trails are rough at times, and the climbs steep. For these reasons, I typically wait until Friday to do anything difficult so far as running is concerned.

Alas, however, a good friend of mine is in the hospital and tomorrow is the first day I can see him. So I moved up the workout day by one.

Today's starting weight came in a 154 lbs.

The weather this afternoon proved quite lovely, with lots of sun and a light breeze down the backstretch of the track.  While warm, the humidity seemed low.

I felt a bit light and hungry on the warm-up walk down to the track, wondering how things would go. Some people really like jogging in the morning and then working out in the afternoon. Typically I do not, and avoid it whenever possible. Interestingly, I don't mind the reverse; that is, working out in the morning and jogging the afternoon. Why this is so remains unclear, but I've come to accept it.

Today marks the end of our latest 3-week training cycle, and as with the end of the previous cycle my goal involved the consolidation of gains. The workout involved 4x1200m, followed by a repetition of 1x400m. The splits went as follows-- 4:50, 4:49, 4:49, 4:46, 78. Of all the cycle's workouts this was the most consistent, as well as run in the hottest conditions, and with the most miles covered for the day before starting. This is really encouraging, and seems to suggest continued improvement.

At the end of the workout I weighed 151 lbs, a 1.95% change. I feel tired, but strong too. This was a good cycle, and with two more before the marathon I'm looking forward to putting on the final touches. 58 days, 13 hours to go.

This one's for you, Bob.

Happy Thursday, friends :)

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