Thursday, July 28, 2011

A choice of the moment

So, will you be a builder or a destroyer? That's not a serious question, but really, which will you be?

What does a builder do? A builder builds things. A builder takes stuff and makes something new out of that stuff. Sometimes other people think the new stuff is pretty cool. "How ingenious!" they say, and compliment the builder for his or her good work. Sometimes other people think the new stuff is rubbish, and will even say so if they feel sufficiently passionate at the moment and have an audience. But really, the important thing is that builders build stuff.

Destroyers destroy stuff. They take things and break them. Sometimes they have a lot of people there to cheer them on, and other times they're all alone. Sometimes destroyers convince others to join them, and a big group becomes a band of destroyers. But the important thing is that destroyers destroy things.

Sometimes a person is a builder one day and a destroyer the next. This might even be the case for many people, but I really don't know. Sometimes a person destroys another's reputation so they can get a job, or make themselves look good to people unfamiliar with their destructive activities. Sometimes people create for no other reason than that they enjoy the process and have no incentive beyond that. And if you can believe it, the same person can fit both descriptions depending on the day.

So really, the question, "Are you a builder or are you a destroyer" isn't a serious question, because a person is usually both at some point. Perhaps instead we might ask, "Are you a builder or are you a destroyer, right now." Yes, perhaps that is more helpful. Which would you prefer to be? Right now, that is.

Happy Thursday :)

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