Tuesday, May 14, 2013


'Tis said the hottest love has the coolest end,
Like a tree of sorts that doesn't bend.
Or a man who stands upon one foot,
Then falls and dusts his trousers with soot.

Alas, the Venus of my life said no;
From her own lips I heard it so.
It hurts--in truth--make no mistake;
I feel as sweet as a centuries-old cake.

I grope about for answers more;
To ease my heart that's grown so sore,
With thoughts that went so oft to her
To only hear, "I'm sorry, sir."

Yet then a thought to my mind came,
That Love must be as much a light, as a flame;
Thoreau said this so long ago,
And made me a feel a bit less low.

Indeed, the world's still here despite the fact,
Of the amorous affections of that Venus I lack.
The sky's still blue, the grass is still green,
And so much of life I haven't seen.

So cheer up lad, and take to heart;
Experiencing love is but a start.
Tomorrow brings another day,
And let it come, come what may.

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