Thursday, May 9, 2013

Well done Ursinus College Class '13

I know when my nose starts to run more than my feet that it must be time for another commencement ceremony at my old uni, Ursinus College. As it so happens, that will happen tomorrow morning under the big, white tent in front of the Berman Museum of Art. Assuming little has changed since my day, a smaller white tent adjacent to the first will house the wind ensemble, who should but probably won't make a glorious prank of Pomp and Circumstance by performing it in 5/4 (imagine keeping step to that...). But yes, a speaker will say some words, a person will call your name, and many a photograph will like as not be taken. Oh yes, and apparently billions of cicadas may or may not photo-bomb it all. That'd likely bug some folks, but at least it would be unique, right?

In any case, that is all for tomorrow. I'm writing this post on the eve of all that for those lads and lasses whose industry, creativity, and personality not only earned them degrees, but also contributed to making Ursinus the wonderful place it is. Some of you I know, some of you I don't, but all of you make this alumnus proud.

So, well done Ursinus Class of 2013. Good luck, and much love always.


"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant." 
-Robert Louis Stevenson

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