Tuesday, October 7, 2014

You are Enough

You are enough.

You lack nothing.

You are flexible, and responsive to change.
You revel in life, and fear no failure.

You look out on the world, and see abundance.
You look within yourself, and see abundance, too.

You are open to possibilities--that hard times are temporary.
That change is an opportunity, and might lead to good.

That obstacles are fuel for happiness.

You let go of the need for control,
Allowing things to find their level.

You have nothing to prove,
And are worthy of friendship and love.

You have the capacity to be courteous and kind;
Patient and peaceful; attentive and brave.

Nothing fazes you;
Each moment is your teacher.

By doing less, you achieve more;
A superfluous point, but a useful one.

Because in the end,
At the root of it all;

You are enough.

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