Monday, April 25, 2011

Just a thought or two

Another humid day upon the mountain we have had, and even hotter than yesterday. Yet in its own way it was a beautiful day.

Today was my last German conversation class. I became rather attached to the people there, as well as everyone in my German class generally. We shared so many experiences over the course of two semesters, that it will be strange to finish our current endeavors and begin anew. I do not know where it will go, but I am glad my research compelled me to take up German again. So much I have learned, and so many new people I have met as a result.

The honor's thesis was turned into the dean today, and the article for the school newspaper on the Nazi documents was turned into the editor. Also, we finished reading our first book in German. It is curious that the season of new life in Spring is resulting in the completion of many old projects. Step by step, the trail leading to tomorrow unfolds before our feet.

Moment by moment, we have a choice, if we so choose, to do with it whatever we wish. With the right sort of control, one can maintain the attention upon each successive moment, and do with it what one wishes. One can even do nothing. Or one can try to do nothing, and in so doing so something. Or one can try to do something and ulimately accomplish nothing. I have heard that last one many times, both from myself and from others. Many blame facebook :). For others the time is not good for concentration.

I do not understand much of these things. With the right sort of effort, step by step, we can take the road together :). Happy Monday from the Mountain.

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