Thursday, December 22, 2011

Enjoy the holiday by slowing down

Good morning, good day, good evening; whichever it is, I hope it is good :). It's the winter solstice today in the northern hemisphere, and the light is going fast. That doesn't mean, however, that you must as well. While few seasons prove more frenetic than the winter holiday season, there's something to be said for taking a moment to catch one's breath and take in the festivities. You might find by doing so that life can be very refreshing when you spend a little time just slowing down.

Of course it can be surprisingly difficult these days to slow down. It's is a demanding time for many, full of pressure to please and outdo. It's a bit frightening really, with stories in the newspaper about Black Friday violence, shop-lifting, and how once again loads of people are cracking under the pressure to make the season "perfect." Of course you find that in all seasons, but the holidays do seem to highlight such confusion. It's enough to drive anyone bananas.

Yet for all that the winter holiday season can be really great. The music is festive, the food is quite good, and the context abounds with wholesome images (bells, holly, snowmen, menorahs, stars, mangers, and frankincense to name a few) among all the advertising. Whether you're alone or surrounded by family and friends, you'll miss a lot if you forget to take a moment and slow down a bit. For all the uncertainty, difficulty, and tragedy in our world today, there remains something quite nice about these next few days, the first of winter. If you can just take a moment from whatever it is you're doing; to think of something that makes you happy, or something about the holiday that you particularly enjoy. Celebrating these things is perhaps more important than any deal you might get, or any gift you might buy (awesome as they might be!). It may not be "the most wonderful time of the year" for you, but it could turn out quite nice anyway if you wake up and celebrate the moment.

It's been said that our thoughts are like a garden; water your worries, and they will out-grow everything. Water your joys, and they will do likewise. And while winter isn't the most conducive season for gardening outside, it's as good a time as any to tend that figurative garden in the mind. Something to consider.

Happy Winter Solstice, friends :)

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