Saturday, May 14, 2011

Graduation from College

Been computer-less the last few days, and it was strange in some ways and good in others. It meant I didn't do much writing, and I couldn't follow the news all that well, but a break from the computer is usually good for the body. So that's that.

Today was the day of graduation from college. It was a most ordinary day in many respects, and I figured graduation should be no different. To be frank, I dislike graduation ceremonies in which I'm not bassooning in a pit somewhere or under a tent nearby; a member of the ceremony without all the attention of the ceremony. Moving on, to my mind, should be the result of a transformational experience. People grow and change through the influence and nurturing of a school environment, and a point comes when their continued growth requires a new environment. When one finishes the highest tasks assigned by a school, it seems appropriate that a new level of understanding has been reached, and consequently a new environment is required to do the student good. A graduation ceremony isn't necessary to mark the course of that progression.

But people like such ceremonies, and so we dress up in funny outfits and take part in a rite, if you will, of academic achievement. For better or worse, my graduation from college was made official by the wearing of a funny hat, and walking upon a stage before several thousand people. Bizzare.

On a different note, something happened yesterday about which I wrote on Mother's Day. I had written a letter to a person with whom I was not especially familar, thanking them for some inspiration. I became concerned after sending the letter that perhaps it would be considered too strange a gesture. As it turns out, the letter was received, and even welcome if I'm not mistaken. The person in question sought me out yesterday, and in person personally thanked me for writing the letter. I wish I could remember all that was said, for it was quite moving (and difficult to hear, as graduation rehearsal was breaking up). On top of that, I was bit frazzled. It is not a common thing for someone to approach a relative stranger and thank them for something. Then again, I believe this person to be of a rare quality, and my impressions were met and far surpassed by what they did yesterday. So thank you for your kindness.

Here we are at home now. I've got some things in mind to do over the next few days, beginning to write the story being among them. If college has has me do one thing a great deal more than I would do otherwise, it was writing. Writing was and remains a difficult task at times, but it has become easier with practice. Perhaps it is time to take another crack at story writing.

Well, that's enough for now. It's been a strange few days, but I am happy. One stage of the journey is ending, and another is beginning. Where the path will lead I do not know, but is perhaps not so important right now. As the person whom I sent a letter to helped me see, sometimes it is nice just to enjoy the little things of life. I feel compassion in my heart for the people who have touched my life for four years, and I hope they and I will meet again under the sun. Farewell for now.

P.S. Many congratulations to Nathan Rein and Becky Evans for winning awards at graduation :).

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