Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thesis finished

A bright and beautiful day greets us on the mountain today, well-washed and sparkling after yesterday's rain. Could prove a difficult day so far as allergies are concerned, but the view is nonetheless spectatcular. Very delightful to say the least.

Yesterday was the thesis presentation, and if went off in excellent fashion. I was rather concerned that the 20 minute time limit would leave me grasping for specificity and precision of language, but very fortunately the right words seemed to come at the right time, and the presentation was, to my mind at least, a smashing success. A little Indian food and a nice walk that night topped off a fine day on the mountain.

And so that is that. A year after starting the thesis is written, presented, and approved. It is still unclear precisely how I feel about finishing. I'm happy about the work, though not super impressed. I feel as though I learned so much about doing historical research, yet I feel I have so far yet to go. The experience certainly made me a better historian, but I still do not feel qualified to do a historian's work. Perhaps it is just a matter of personality, but that is how it is. Each day is an opportunity to practice the craft. Undeniably I am happy to have made the journey and pulled it off. Thank the heavens, but it is done.

So what is to be done now? School is far less demanding now than it was a month ago. Were allergies not so difficult I would probably run a deal more than I am, but that is okay. I feel free to do what I will, and live as I choose. It is a good feeling.

It is a good time, perhaps, to sip some tea and be still. Often we modern folk have a need to constantly move about and plan and feel as though we are being productive. Perhaps that is unnecessary. Perhaps our energies are better harnessed by cultivating stillness rather than movement. I suspect one might even do more under such an arrangment. A little patience can go a long way.

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

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