Friday, May 20, 2011

a brief assessment

A misty sort of drizzle has begun to fall as the morning waxes into afternoon. Vivaldi plays on the radio, a cello concerto in E-minor which is pretty neat, and which has a beautiful bassoon counterpart. Mr. Bassoon's role seems pretty simple, just playing the fundamental note of vaious chords, but he also provides a little depth to the cello dancing on the top, and serves as a useful counterpoise against the rest of the orchestra. A music expert, or even a proper music student could tell you more about what goes on in the piece, but you are stuck with me, so there :).

A day from today shall mark one week since graduation. It still does not feel as though college is over, but it is. I work on skills that I hope to improve for graduate school or a job, and try to enjoy myself with exercise, music, and other things. With college finished, a great deal of development and growth has reached a peak, the fruits of which I am now tending and occasionally reaping. It feels as though a long run has just ended, and my body is now doing the work of adapting the body to the new stimuli to which it was exposed. It is said that the body continues burning calories for hours after a hard effort, and so it seems that my person continues to undergo the effects of a strenuous year of growth, development, and learning. One should be cautious not to try and add too much additional work on top of what has been done as yet, for it does a person no good to have a full belly and then be told to engorge some more. Digestion, reflection, and organization appear to be the proper course of the present time. Perhaps.

Some things to think about today. Hopefully your's is or was wonderful :).

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